Queen of Wands + Fire Signs
AFFIRMATION 🔮 QUEEN OF WANDS Maferefun Oshun! It’s giving, “fck with me if you want to… however, I would tread carefully if I were you.”...
Queen of Wands + Fire Signs
Temperance - Sagittarius
Five of Pentacles + Taurus
The Sun + Leo’s
Eight of Swords - What’s good Gemini?
Blessing (feeding) ORÍ
Page of Swords (reversed)
Addimú for Oya Yansá
Life Update
Five of Wands and Conflict
Seven of Wands & Patience
Three of Wands & Making Moves
Queen of Pentacles & Intuition
La Santera Messages for the Month of February 2023
THE WORLD—reversed
Tending to La Boveda Espiritual
FREE Ascend with Alicia Workbook
Preparando el Muerto ~ Preparing the Dead
La Santera 2023 Reading