Strength + Vulnerability
AFFIRMATION 🔮 STRENGTH Today I will not allow anything to shake me. My strength resides in my ability to hold onto my peace. My strength...
Strength + Vulnerability
King of Swords + Not the One
Knight of Pentacles + Virgos
The Moon + Surrender
Four of Cups + Your Passion
Three of Cups + Celebrations
Two of Cups+ Wasted Time
Six of Swords + Suffering
Six of Wands + Reversed
Ten of Cups + Abundance
Six of Cups (reversed)
Ace of Cups + The Universe Provides
Ten of Wands + Burdens
The Devil + Capricorn
Seven of Wands + Power
Six of Swords + Those Who Curse You
The Wheel of Fortune + Fate
Ace of Swords + Message from the Divine
Queen of Swords + Libra
The Hierophant + Old Traditions