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Image by Eric Muhr

writing from the womb (wfw)



WFW is a workshop series designed to push writers to connect to the heart of their story. WFW focuses on your writing goals, setting clear intentions and hard deadlines. Using writing prompts and lectures on craft Alicia gently pushes you to dive deeper, dig, and really live inside of your story. The womb is a sacred place. The womb is the place where we conceive and give birth to an idea, a dream, a song or a story. The womb is where the heart of our story resides and where we hold our truths and together we will write from this place. It is her privilege to be your Writing Midwife! For writers at all levels / Cross genres (This workshop is inclusive of all genders and open to the public). 

Reviews from Students & Clients

~ Dr. JT ~ “I gained a connection to myself and my writing by Alicia’s incredible ability to teach, guide and inspire with her presence, insight and skill. What I will take from this experience… I will take a renewed passion for both reading and writing from a place of connectedness and sensitivity. I learned to connect to the reader and “take them there.” I enjoyed Alicia’s spirit and non-judgmental accountability. I would absolutely recommend Alicia because she is a compassionate professional and extremely connected writing coach."


~ C.I. ~ “The confidence and motivation I have gained from this workshop is priceless! Still today, a week later, I feel the same fire I did on our last meeting– the day we all pressed send to our very first submission for publication ever! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for bringing this fearlessness out of me! I am eternally grateful for your love, commitment and guidance. I would definitely recommend this workshop to other writers because it gave me the ammunition I so needed in order to move past that stage of paralysis I was so consumed by, and for so long. It is something all of us go through when we first discover what we were put on this earth to do. It’s just scary! And in this workshop, you helped many of us shake off that fear. I really enjoyed the warm environment you created for us. The bond of sisterhood that you nurtured by always leading by example. I enjoyed the way you cared for us and embraced us in all of our vulnerabilities, through laughter and tears. I especially loved the way you wholeheartedly believed in us, and in turn made US believe in ourselves!”



~ Dr. CTB ~“Alicia, you are an extremely gifted instructor. You have the ability to steer the writer into directions that they would not have otherwise delved into because of your use of your instincts and what you know to be the best direction to go. This was by far the best Writing from the Womb workshop that I have attended thus far. The use of the articles weekly helped hone in the elements of writing and on the craft. In addition, every week we had more than enough time to focus on the writing so that we left each session feeling accomplished. I really enjoyed the community that was built in such a short period of time. The way in which the workshop was done gave an opportunity for everyone to focus on each other’s writing in an intentional, focused way. Having each writer read the work of the other and commenting on the spot helped each of us honor our immediate reactions while being able to give immediate feedback. You are a phenomenal woman with so much talent. You pour into your writers selflessly.” 

~ Cindy Bautista Thomas~“I have gained a solid understanding for how to write fiction and what makes a good story from a writer’s perspective. In my freshman year of college, I took a creative writing class which covered the basics of story and conflict. WFW gave me a real understanding of character development and what it means to raise the stakes for your character. I also have become more skilled in reading like a writer. What I am taking from the experience is regaining my confidence as a writer and knowing that I can write in different genres and go beyond self-imposed limitations! I am leaving WFW with the inner knowing that my path in life is the path of a writer. It was affirming to be surrounded by serious writers, powerful sisters engaged in the brave act of telling the stories that haven’t been told. As a woman of color this is very important. I gained valuable information on grants and opportunities, training and coaching in applying and hitting SEND! I also gained new friendships, writing partners, cheerleaders, an amazing midwife (Alicia Anabel Santos) and a connection to a strong community! I’m grateful to my WFW group and other sister writers I’ve met in the New York Latina Writers group. I would recommend WFW to any writer who is committed to developing herself and her craft. I trust Alicia Anabel’s ability to guide and nurture any writer, at any stage of her writing.  Academia would have us believe that one can earn a PhD in writing but at the end of the day, it comes down to you and the page and the choice to be vulnerable and sometimes that takes trusting another writer to give you that push. Alicia Anabel Santos is the Writing Midwife and I’m very fortunate to have had the opportunity to write alongside her. I enjoyed the readings, the conversations, the writing prompts, using google docs in a way I haven’t before! And I loved the last class and the intensity, and excitement of hitting send together on the Eve of the Winter Solstice! Ooooo! Scary scary... And exhilarating!” 

~ Tawana Thompson~“I gained the ability to start my story, and the confidence to know that I could continue to tell, and complete it. I loved the props, paintings and music. Sometimes I forget to use these tools. I also like the soft and hard scenes! I think all of the material was helpful. I think the first week was my least favorite because I realized how emotionally heavy writing my story would be. I think the way the workshop builds upon itself is wonderful. WFW has given me a different outlook on my writing and creativity. In this class I got in touch with the most painful memories, but my humor shined as well, and that helped me move pass the painful stories that needed to be told. Thank you so much for creating this beautiful space. It was no coincidence that I noticed you were going live that day. It was clear to me that it was time to commit myself to writing this story. I knew you would help me push through it lovingly, consistently, and would hold me to showing up for my writing and myself. There are no words to express what taking this course has given back to me on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level. 

~ F.V.R.~“I was able to reclaim the voice that prevented me from writing. You have been my source of inspiration, who have guided my practice in writing, especially when I thought that I had lost my voice. It is with your support, that I have been able to reclaim my voice.”

~ Dr. Priscila Pender~“What I gained from this workshop is confidence that there is a space for me in the writing world. I would love a Writing from the Womb retreat or conference. WFW has given me the freedom to share my work in a safe space whose sole purpose is to nurture and support not only my writing but me as a writer. Seasoned and novice writers have something to gain by participating in WFW as the opportunity to grow is abundant in this workshop. I am grateful to have been a part of such an amazing process...9 weeks flew by but the magic created is eternal. "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." James Baldwin had you in mind when he wrote those words. Your love of writing has led you to this very moment in your life. An advocate, activist, community educator, mother, lover, mid-wife and friend. Each role you play, each hat you wear is what is wanted and needed in this world right now. You do it with such love that it never feels like work but merely an extension of your Soul. Keep sharing your Soul with the world. Keep being YOU.”  

~ Rafael~ “I gained more confidence in my writing, I gained the feeling that we are a continuity and I am not by myself. WFW gives me inspiration. makes me proud of my community of writers and gives me hope in humanity. I loved her. She is amazing and a human being full of love.” 

~ Vero~ “I gained a community of writers who were in the same stage of the creative process as me. Confidence to just write the fucking story. It doesn't have to be the right one, in the perfect genre with the best point of view. It just needs to be written. The confidence to write the fucking story and the confidence to write our story, regardless of who it's about. Also, confidence in myself beyond the writing. Alicia has a huge heart and she made me feel seen and hopeful about my creative future.”

~ Sarah~ “I gained confidence in my writing a sense of community in this art form and inspiration from all of my cohorts. I loved the articles that we had to read weekly because it highlighted both the struggles of writers as well as different works. Which always reminded us that we didn’t have to limit ourselves in a specific genre. WFW has given me the confidence to continue writing, and attempt to capture a moment in time. I realized that through this medium both the author and the reader can grow from a piece that can be both cathartic and beautiful.”

~ Zo~ “Oh man, this workshop changed my life. I gained a community, strength, courage, validation, acceptance, inspiration, incredible new ideas, prompts, guidance, and the structure I desperately needed. I am so grateful for this group, every single workshop helped me get closer to my goal and fine tune the story I'm trying to tell. I didn't even know I had a story I needed to write, but I do, and now I know exactly how to tell it, because of this class. The structure, lessons and materials really helped refine my writing. overall fantastic. my only recommendation is can we do this forever???”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “Writing from the womb has given me a home. I walked into a room full of strangers with no plans, no hopes, no expectations, and no direction and I emerged 9 weeks later with half purpose, drive, confidence, and 20 pages of a manuscript. Writing from the womb is a workshop like no other. Not only was it insightful, educational, and helpful for my writing and storytelling skills, it helped me grow overall as a person as well. I walked in unaware I had a story to tell in the first place, but by the end of the class it became my life's purpose to embrace and explore all that I am and could be, and to allow myself to speak. Writing from the womb gave me the safety, security, and support to write honestly, and the feedback, tools, and skills to write it well. It is so much more than a class, it's a community of incredible, inspiring writers that have become my family. It's a safe space to exist as you are with the tools, support, encouragement, and inspiration to push you to grow - as a writer and as a person. 5 stars. I fucking loved this class.”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “Omg Alicia. Where do I begin... To say this class was life-changing is an understatement. I genuinely have never in my life felt so seen, so supported, so understood, so loved, and so safe while also being encouraged and pushed to grow and move out of my comfort zone. I am so grateful for this class, and especially for you, because you've inspired me to chase dreams I didn't even know I had, to embrace myself, to love and accept myself, and to be unafraid to say what I've known in my heart my whole life - I AM a writer! I really believe it was fate that brought me to your class. As you know, I'd came out to my parents a couple of months before, and then the world fell apart for my family. I was riddled with shame and guilt over my sexuality and just was absolutely lost when BAM - I join the workshop of a queer Dominican woman, and that absolutely changed my life. You taught me to accept and embrace myself, to stand up for myself, and to acknowledge and validate myself, just by being you. I cannot tell you how much it means to have had you as a midwife - you showed me that I can grow up to be a proud Dominican woman in my own way, that I don't have to be like Mami and my tias and everyone I've known my whole life, I can stand in my truth and in my queerness without fear or shame that that somehow makes me shameful to my family and my culture. That I can be spiritual AND queer AND ratchet when I want AND a mother AND a writer. I am so inspired by you, I cannot even begin to put it in to words. Thank you so much for everything that you do. You are my role model and I am so blessed to have been touched by your light. Please keep me in mind for the future, anything you do I'm there. I love you so much!”

~ Wanda~ “What I gained from the workshop is the faith that I can write, that there is nothing to be afraid of, that I am not an imposter and my voice is worthy. I learned from every reading, every lesson, but I had never used a line from a poem, a song, in order to create a piece and really loved it. I think it allows you to get creative in ways that your mind might not think. Frankly I felt everything included in the course served me in some way. I would like to see this workshop grow. Our class was 21 people and I think it would be amazing to have more of them. There is nothing that I have not already said, but there could not be a better midwife for this course.”

~ Lisa~“I gained everything I didn't even know that I needed. I came face to face with my purpose and there was no more denying it or hiding it. I gained friends, family, community, and unconditional love even if it was through a screen. It was a life changing decision. It was serendipitous like a peer mentioned. It was meant to be. Now. In this moment. I had been praying for years for this moment. I am honored and humbled to have been guided through this journey by you Alicia. What a magical blessing this has been. Being pushed to write 2,000 words was the best lesson. 2,000 words seems like a piece of cake now. I loved the articles/pdf's a lot. I enjoyed reading Octavia Butler's piece. Wet Ink was amazing. The fact that we can annotate, underline, comment, upload, critique. It was all genius. This is my first writing workshop and online platform. For me, everything exceeded my expectations. I had no idea what to expect and I was just amazed by how well put together this class was. Even if it was just created in an hour and a half. This class, the materials, and the lessons appeared to be had been purposely created with love and intention. I am not sure else it could be improved. At first, I felt like I was missing out on the in-class interactions. Like I was missing out on the inside jokes or class unity but then we were all forced to go virtual and then I really felt a part of the family.  WFW has been given me permission to call myself a writer. To believe in myself as a writer. WFW has given me the drive and motivation to follow my calling. WFW has set my soul on fire and a sense of urgency. WFW has given me the desire and need to write my stories. WFW has given me a new life. A rebirth. I feel enlightened and ready to move forward as a writer. WFW has given me a new set of friends. A new outlook on life. WFW was the answer to many prayers. I am beyond proud of the magic that occurred in this space. Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for this experience. You are the embodiment of pure love. What an honor and a pleasure it was to be held by you in this space. To be lovingly pushed by you. This was an experience unlike any other. I am in awe of what transpired in the souls of myself and my peers. I am in awe of the magic that came to life on the page in the midst of a pandemic. Can you imagine how much more could have accomplished had our physical/emotional health not been hijacked and compromised? You most definitely have a gift which in turn allowed us to see our very own gifts. Profe, the divine in me honors the divine in you. I bow to you as sign of love, honor, and respect. ”

~ Juvi~ “First and foremost, I gained courage to tell my stories. This is the biggest gain and what I needed before I could ever even embrace the title of writer. I learned a lot about craft and how to hone in on themes to further develop my stories. Overall, I gained an understanding of how to build towards something bigger (i.e. a volume of work), and that shitty drafts are OK! I absolutely loved the exercise where we had to pick an item and incorporate it into our story (the birth of El Dentista y La Mamajuana). I would love to continue seeing WFW be offered online in an interactive like Zoom (or any other platform similar to it). Also, I LOVE! What WFW has given me is the chance to begin again. It oriented me back to the heart of what drives my art and my creativity: words. WFW gave me an opportunity to heal, to write, to cry, and to care for my artist's soul. It forced me to actually care for it, rather than just say I need to care for it. This course and Alicia helped me transform the very vivid memories I held on to and write beautiful pieces I am so incredibly proud of. WFW changed my life. You are one of the most magical humans I have ever met. I am in awe at how you can remain present and so grounded while coaching and supporting us. So, dedicated to your craft and to help others grow. A mother lioness. I love you dearly. You will forever and always be my Writing Midwife."

~ Omairys~ “I gained a community I did not know I needed. I fell upon this class coincidentally after it was shared by Dominican Writers on Instagram. I had been telling myself for months to join a writing community in order to start this journey. I couldn't have planned or expected this to go as well as it did. This serendipitous experience has changed my life. All the week/lessons were more than I could expect. Each and every one of them required me to do some soul searching I hadn't done in a while and figure out ways to communicate those thoughts in order to write the story. It was a fascinating experience, to say the least, and what I enjoyed the most was seeing my own growth as a writer when it came to my comfort level of what I was sharing/writing about. Being able to attend class virtually was amazing (even though I really enjoyed class at WordUp Community Bookshop). WFW has given me the healing I've been needing in order gain the courage to write the story. This experience has truly been life changing, connecting me with a community of inspiring and talented writers (where the heck else would I have found that!?). I feel so lucky to have been a part of this cohort, especially during the COVID crisis. My classmates have truly become my soul brothers/sisters. Thank you Dominican Writers! Thank you for the magic you've created and reigniting my inner flame. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity, your guidance and the community you've welcomed me into. The last day of class, I was at a loss of words mostly because I had so many emotions. I realize it was because this experience was truly life changing. THANK YOU!!!"

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I have gained more insight into how to make my dream come true of telling my story. It exposed me to the Author's world. To how amazing and also harsh it can be at the same time- and that's the beauty of it. The process, the journey of creating is so impactful and such a natural human desire. I gained the courage to tap into that creative part of me. I also gained a community of writers that I will forever be grateful for.”

~ Catherine ~ “WFW has given me my voice back. WFW exceeded my expectations within the first lesson. This class wasn’t just about writing. It was also about going within. It was about connecting with ourselves and letting our soul guide us through pen and paper. Every lesson was carefully orchestrated by Alicia to guide us and support us through the uncertainties, insecurities, fears, and blocks that she knew we would face in our craft. All of the pieces we read, the prompts, the exercises, the workshops were all weaved into the right parts of this 9-week workshop series. Since taking this class writing has become my grounding tool when the everything else around me seems to get too heavy. It helped me get closer to me, to who I really am, and who I was always meant to become. I learned to not give so many fucks about what other people may think. Say it, write it, create it, it’s yours and no one else. SO JUST WRITE THE FUCKING STORY.” 

~ Julisa ~  “As much as fear and anxiety kicked up for me, my midwife was there in the most supportive and healthiest way possible. What I have gained from this workshop is Honesty, Trust, and Courage. What I take from this experience… the belief in myself.”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I want the new year to greet me as the writer that I know I am, fearless and determined, and knowing that my voice has a place in this world. Knowing that my writing matters and can also, make a difference.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for bringing this fearlessness out of me! I am eternally grateful for your love, commitment and guidance."

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I would definitely recommend this workshop to other writers because it gave me the ammunition I so needed in order to move past that stage of paralysis I was so consumed by, and for so long. It is something all of us go through when we first discover what we were put on this earth to do. It’s just scary! And in this workshop, you helped many of us shake off that fear.”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I really enjoyed the warm environment you created for us. The bond of sisterhood that you nurtured by always leading by example. I enjoyed the way you cared for us and embraced us in all of our vulnerabilities, through laughter and tears. I especially loved the way you wholeheartedly believed in us, and in turn made US believe in ourselves! The only thing I would change is to make this workshop a lot longer!!!!!!!!!! It went by too fast and we clearly wanted more”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I have gained the confidence in my voice and in my writing.  This workshop was different than the rest.  We focused on the craft, reading other writers and we wrote our asses off!”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I will take away the gift that you gave me of asking questions of my characters and using prompts as a way to expand my character development.  It was fantastic to hear the writing of my sisters and help empower them while they did the same for me.”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “I would definitely recommend this workshop for writers of all levels.  Alicia has the gift of working with each person where they are at and using her instincts to help the writer’s focus.”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “Alicia, you are an extremely gifted instructor.  You have the ability to steer the writer into directions that they would not have otherwise delved into because of your use of your instincts and what you know to be the best direction to go.  This was by far the best Writing from the Womb Workshop that I have attended thus far.  The use of the articles weekly helped hone the elements of writing and centered on craft.  In addition, every week we had more than enough time to focus on the writing so that we left each session feeling accomplished.  I thank you for a job well done and can’t wait to say one day, I knew her when!  You are a phenomenal woman with so much talent.  You pour into your writers selflessly.”

~ Carmen ~“I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and am so grateful to have taken this journey with you Alicia! Thank you for everything you did to bring the best out of me. Thank you for believing in me, and for pushing me. Wishing you nothing but love and success throughout your writing journey! Your commitment is contagious! XOXO ”

~ Anonymous Writer ~ “Alicia is a gifted teacher and writing coach.  She uses her intuitive abilities to work with each writer’s strengths and helps them work on the areas that need development.  She provides writing prompts that challenge, inspire and motivate writers to tap into their stories on a deeper level. If you have a body of work that would like to produce, she is the midwife that will guide you through to birth a work of art.  I recommend her for anyone needing support and needing a skilled writer to lead them.”

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