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Six of Wands + Reversed

Writer's picture: lasanteranyclasanteranyc


Today I acknowledge that some things I may be experiencing are not in my favor. Some things are not in my best interest. Today I acknowledge the disappointment and the sense of failure that I am carrying. I allow whatever I am feeling to move through me. Today I allow myself to feel disappointed. Today I allow myself to be sad. Today I recognize that there are those who have let me down, there are those who I feel have abandoned me, however, I will not allow it to keep stuck. Today I make a new commitment to me. Today I am being reminded that my feelings are valid. Today I will practice grace and humility. Today I will be gentle with myself, and I acknowledge the ways spirit is always supporting me, especially in this moment. Today I am reminded that nothing that I have I’ve gotten on my own. Today I will trust my abilities. Today I will move forward.



🪬 DECK: Melanated Classic Tarot Deck by @oubria #melanatedclassictarot



Six of Wands (reversed)

Not a good look — it’s giving follower, yet you were born to lead. Be mindful of arrogance. What is the intention behind what you say you want? Is it for the money? Is it for the fame? Check your ego at the door. The Six of Wands reversed reps a disadvantage, having fallen to disgrace, disloyalty, treachery and broken promises.


UPRIGHT: success, triumph, victory, public, recognition, inflated ego, high self-esteem, dedicated focus-there is peace found in cutting out our lives that which allows that which slows us down, winning, having the advantage, achievement, praise, acclaim, awards, applause, goodwill, fame, celebrity, fans, well-wishers, supporters, crowds, being in the spotlight, riding high, being a leader, stability, strength, confidence, pride, sharing your victories,

REVERSED: Failure, lack of achievement/ recognition/ support/ confidence/ endurance, losing, disadvantage, disgrace, being hunted, ill-will, mob/ pack mentality, treachery, disloyalty, disappointment, broken promises, being a follower, weakness, fame hungry, diva, arrogant, egotistical, pride before a fall, unsuccessful

The answer to your question today is NO

The element is FIRE

The planet they rule: JUPITER, SUN

Sign and energy they move with: LEO

Number: 6


Today I will focus. Today I will prioritize that which feels right to me. Today I will prioritize what feels best to me, that which is in alignment with what I came here to do.


If the message hits and you feel it in your spirit to send a donation to support me continuing this work I am beyond grateful. May it multiply in your life tenfold. Other ways of supporting my work is sharing and reposting.

Your love offering can be sent to:

🌻 Venmo @ lasantera

🌻 Cashapp $lasantera1

I love you,



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